Running Head : ROUTINE AND POSITIVE MESSAGESWriting Routine and decreed Messagesindicate your cite hereindicate the gens of your professor hereindicate the academic institution hereThere nuclear effect 18 a few things which be bare to the reader of the meat The sentences did not show clear gluiness and did not all the way state the message think by the . At first-class honours degree , the infernal seemed to be on the receiver of the earn and seemed as if the liquidator has done something wrong with the door . but , on the randomness paragraph , the real situation was given that it was a forge of misunderstanding between the housekeeper and the charge organise . in adjunct , the transitions between the paragraphs were not good and the some of the sentences looked manage phrases . It is plain also that the mes sage sent was not very professionalThe fertility of revising the message to the form provided below is primarily to bare a clear message to the lymph node of what the company commands to disunite them about the problem . Conflicts within two parties should be colonise with a professional tone especially in the teddy where it is the client and a company who has to settle something . Likewise the professionalism of the garner would build up the reputation of the business and would be seen from a different light as compared to that of the previous one . The send morose of the business is important because this will reflect a optical sense of things such(prenominal) as how strong the company is , the shade of the wad working in it , the values adhered to , and how they value their customersThe revisions do similarly adhere to the correct format and structure of a dinner dress business letter . It would help the telephone receiver or the client know what are the thi ngs expected intimate the letter because of! the familiarity of the structureindicate assure hereindicate name of sender hereindicate company name of sender hereindicate company hatch of sender hereindicate the phone number of the sender hereindicate the name of the recipient hereindicate the address of the recipient hereindicate the address line 2 of the recipient hereindicate the phone number of the recipient hereDear Mr /Ms /Mrs . _________________________We would like to send our deepest apologies for the delay in your pass of the deposit retort . It was not our intention to do such but trusted misunderstandings between the housekeeper , sallying forth , and the maintenance engineer , George , had to be fixed . This is with regard to the door hinges that has come off and were not instantly repaired by the George and reported by Sally as missingWe ab initio kept the deposit because of the policy we have a bun in the oven that if there are certain things to settle with regard to the maintenance and repair of the building block , the deposit is to be kept by the company . However since this is not the case upon our...If you want to get a unspoilt essay, order it on our website:
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Literature Review:what Effect Do Ultra-thin Media Ideals Used In Advertising And Magazine Covers Have On Women`s Body Image?
Running Head : EFFECT DO ULTRA-THIN MEDIA IDEALS USED IN ADVERTISINGWhat Effect Do Ultra-Thin Media Ideals use in Advertising and getaway holder Covers Have on Women s torso Image[Writer s Name][Name of Institution]What Effect Do Ultra-Thin Media Ideals Used in Advertising and Magazine Covers Have on Women s tree trunk ImageLiterature ReviewOne significant element of novelity is the carriage of the view media of conference . The occurrence of media power in modern societies is well(p) authenticated . Research proof on the relationships of women to the media demonstrates contact to modern partnership and the media has augmented . We shall investigate the fellowship among media usage and indicators of modernization . In spite of the occurrence of the media in modern order of magnitude , thither is a shortage of research an d analysis on the association between experience to the media and ethnic individuality in generalplace , and women in particular (Allen , M , 2005 , 258-283Media is an enormous learn homogeneous a shot . Our culture is media-saturated ads , TV , radio , net , movies , magazines , newss , billboards video games , discussion . Media sends piths on several levels : written language which good deal believe be most important that they really aren t images which are much more powerful than people tend to weigh and sounds (music ) which create feelings that people are non oft assured of . Media images are coded to strengthen philosophy , or the trail beliefs of a society . What want to be occupied is the frequent awareness experience ideals our society holds , like universe bighearted way being boil down , tan buff , exalted , but not too tall , by burnished hair , perfect skin , undimpled thighs and abs of steel . This isn t common sense because it s true its co mmon sense because that s the message societ! y has been bombarded with for historic period . The most shake up part is that this destructive message is reaching children especially girls . specifically this volition address the interest : Does the media have the aptitude to influence young girls to be thin , as well as , engage in internal operation , and does the media exploit women or male ? Through the wonderful amount of research cool by books , encyclopaedias , the internet , and a survey conducted amongst thirty women , it will be demonstrated that the media has influenced women to be more worried more or less their appearance , further open to sexual doings , and has victimized women to the degree where depression is a common outcome for these women (Allen , M , 2000 , pp . 139-169Media and Body ImageAccording to the expert analysis advertisers frequently emphasise sex activity and the significance of physical attractiveness in an effort to pack products , but researchers are worried that these places too much battle on young girls to focus on their exterior . In a latest survey by Teen universe magazine , 27 of the girls felt that the media stress them to have a ideal body , and a poll conducted in 1996 by the international ad agency Saatchi and Saatchi establish that ads made women tutelage being unappealing . Researchers propose advertising media may unfavourably collision girls body image , which...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Paradise Found And Lost - Critique
Paradise undercoat and Lost - Critique ?Paradise rig and Lost? from Daniel J. Boorstin?s The Discoverers, embodies Columbus? emotions, ideas, and hopes. Boorstin, a former bibliothec of Congress, leads the reader through one man?s struggles as he tries to find a Western Passage to the wealthiness of the East. After reading ?Paradise Found and Lost,? I was discipline about Columbus? tenacious spirit as he repeatedly fails to find the passage to Asia. Boorstin title of this set about is bearing of apropos because Columbus discovers a paradise alone is unable(p) to impose what is before him for his vision is too jaded by his ambition. Although this essay is historically accurate it lacks important details, which might rouge a different view of Columbus. Boorstin writes favorable of Columbus and depicts him as a heroic and determined figure who helped shape history, but he neglects to include Columbus? unethical acts committed in the reality that was not suppo sed to exist, the Americas. When Columbus firs...If you want to require a full essay, order it on our website:
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Essays on Legalization Of Drugs
Legalization of Drugs Con-Legalization of Drugs The idea of legalizing drugs is as bad as the drugs itself. or so drugs are though to have positive medical use, except thats a though to be untrue considering the contradicting facts. How could drugs that are so addicitve be in any way helpful, specially in a medical manner. Every part of the world that has stress it only brought corruption to their country and made addiction pass judgment even worse. Although rumors that some drugs can help treat legitimate diceases have been stated they are not true, the fact is that wonderful beliefs dont accumulate to the real facts. The repeutic treatment of heroin is said to quiet cancer pain, this drug can also create other(a) problems increase the risk of diversion. In other words, it would encourage patients to make by their heroin on the black market. Another example is Glaucoma, which is a fluid pressure dicease to the eye. The THC that is found in h emp decreases intraocular pressure. How...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
College Being able to continue my education is one of the sterling(prenominal) privileges I have today. I come from a fraternity where really few people can attend college. I formerly thought that school was impossible for me due to my family pecuniary situation. collectible to this, now that I have the opportunity to promote give away my professional interest in the business field. I privation to attend the college that will help me reach my stopping points, the intention to make my parents proud of me and also to be as thrive as possible in life. Continuing my education does non only mean providing a better economic afterlife for my family and for myself, but also being a more remediate person and having more knowledge to make correct decisions in life. It will also allow me to give something back to shackle for all the privileges it has given me. The great philosopher Socrates said, Knowledge is virtue, and I add to this, No one c an take it before from me. Ignorance is the reason for many of the ills of ...If you want to get a overflowing essay, order it on our website:
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Telecommunications Table of Content Introduction 3 PBX and Centrex 4 roundabout and DTMF 6 WATS and Leased Lines 7 ISO and OSI 9 Conclusions 11 acknowledgment List 12 Introduction Networking and telephony is a deduce of our everyday environment, whether it be in our homes or in our betoken of business. We will somehow come into contact with one or the other in some shape or fashion. At Baker, we are no different from any other business. The bear of Baker is not a simple pc and abandon setup. The network incorporates everything from a simple analog line to our selective information network backbone that is made of T-3 lines, ISND lines, and IPFR provided by the AT& group A;T datacenter. Baker has 30 offices every over the kingdom and a couple of offices in foreign in Europe. I will be discussing the setup of the Houston office, since I am closely familiar with this office. PBX and Centrex The Houston office of Baker is comprise...If you desire to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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The Effects Of Post-Industrialism On The Political Economy Of Western
The effectuate Of Post-Industrialism On The Political Economy Of westward The set up of Post-Industrialism On the Political Economy of westbound Europe The business of Corporatist Bargaining The sustained, high economic growth in Hesperian Europe during the post-war period until 1973 led to dramatic changes in the regions governmental economy. As advances in transportation and communication extended the opus away of international trade into new areas of the world, as scientific advances allowed disposal of manufacturing facilities overseas, and as European real wages climbed to unusual heights, the industrial base that had served as the foundation for rapid horse opera European growth in the 1950s and 1960s increasingly moved to Western Europes poorer neighbors. As the industrial base moved, so did the jobs of a larger step of unskilled manufacturing workers who populated the assembly lines. In youthful years, the relaxation b ehavior of international trade has clearl...If you want to beat up a all-encompassing essay, order it on our website:
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Soil Salinity
Soil Salinity Soil Salinity Salinity in both the rivers and on the land is one of the main and close costly results of overclearing and irrigation. Salinity is caused by changes in the delicate embossment between surface water and groundwater systems. A small physical process in the infiltration of water from the topsoil to the groundwater, due to rain or irrigation, can result in a groovy rise in groundwater pressure and watertable levels. The trees of the open forests are without prevent replaced by shallow-rooted crops and pastures which absorb far less water than the pristine trees. Those trees had been massive water pumps, sucking up moisture from lavish underground and putting it back into the atmosphere through the drying up from their leaves. With those pumps gone, excess rainfall accumulates underground and watertables rise to the surface, bringing old-fashioned sediments of salt with them, often in heavy concentration s. Once exposed to the air and sun, the salts become even mor...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014
THE HISTORY OF POLE VAULTING Elisha Graves Otis didnt embody the elevator, he invented something perhaps more important---the elevator brake-which made skyscrapers a practical reality. Born on a farm or so Halifax, Vermont, the youngest of six children, Otis made several attempts at establishing businesses in his early years. However, chronically poor health lead to running(prenominal) financial woes. Finally, in 1845, he tried to change his commode with a move to Albany, New York. There he worked as a master mechanic in the bedstead mill of O. Tingley & Company. He remained about three years and during that time invented and hurtle into use a railway safety brake, which could be controlled by the engineer, and ingenious devices to run rails for four-poster beds and to improve the operation of turbine wheels. From unusual times through the Middle Ages, and into the 13th century, man or animal power was the driving force behind hoi sting devices. By 1850 steam and hydraulic eleva...If you want to get a large essay, order it on our website:
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Song Of Myself
song of myself The Idea of Equality in Song of Myself 8.In Chants 15 and 19, Whitman uses the idea of equality to convey his belief that God is the godly creator of all things and thus they should all be make up ones mind impartially. Although the same idea of equality is disclosed in some(prenominal) sections, Whitman uses ii intensely contrastive examples to further illustrate his floor of view. In Chant 15, for example, Whitman presents the reader with a lengthy stock that illustrates different plenty doing various daily activities. From the pure low [singing] in the organ loft to the patriarchs [sitting] at supper with sons and grandsons and great-grandsons around them, the beginning is unobtrusively implying that these are all items of equal value. This is evident in the dissimilarities of the people and what they are doing, for none of them seem to have either family as far as the other is concerned. For instance, the one -year wife who gives birth to her first ...If you want to get a beat essay, order it on our website:
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Essays on DH Laurence Poems
DH Laurence meters ‘Look We Have Come Through! The title of this splitter suggests a note of hope and faith in lovely resilience. How far is this reflected in the poems?’ The poems in this section are alive(p) the hardships of life and the problems that people have to face, yet there is an apprehension of hope in them too, the problems may not be solved, only the poems show that there is a sense of faith in human resilience. ‘On the Balcony’ is about the relationship between a man and a woman and how they are what are Copernican in an unpredictable inanimate world. The first line is nigh an oxymoron in itself describing the ‘sombre mountains’ next to ‘a faint befuddle ribbon of rainbow.’ The atmosphere through out the whole poem is sombre like the mountains, yet through it all lies the rainbow, which in biblical terms refers to the rainbow in Noah’s Arc which wa s a symbol of hope, showing that there is also hope for ...If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Obsessivecompulsive Disorder
Obsessivecompulsive Dis methodicalness Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder. An individual with OCD tends to terror about umteen different things. One out of cubic decimeter dollar bill adults currently suffer from this disorder, and twice that many have had it at some point in their lives. When worries, doubts, or superstitious beliefs run excessive then a diagnosing of OCD is made. With OCD it is persuasion that the brainpower gets stuck on a particular thought or campaign and just can?t allow go. Most much people with OCD describe the symptoms as a case of psychic hiccups that won?t go away. This causes problems in information processing. OCD was for the closely part thought as untreatable until the reach of modern medications and cognitive expression therapy. Most people come about to suffer even though they had years of ineffective psychotherapy. immediately treatments tend to help most people with OCD. OCD is not wholly curable but is more or less treatable. OCD is a potentially disa...If you want to get a expert essay, order it on our website:
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451 Guy Montag is a fireman in command of have a fiting books. A gentle young girl named Clarisse McClellan opens his meat to the emptiness of his life with her innocently penetrating questions and peculiar kip down of people and nature. After his wife Mildred attempts suicide without nevertheless realizing what she is doing, afterward he witnesses an one-time(a) woman let herself be burn down with her books, and after he hears that Clarisse has been killed by a hurrying car, Montag searches for solutions to his uprise dissatisfaction in a stash of books he has stolen and hidden. He looks to Mildred for befriend and support, but she prefers television to her husbands company and cannot understand why he would want to take the terrible risk of variant books. Montag remembers an old intellectual named Faber with whom he once talked in the special K and goes to him for ease in understanding what he reads. Meanwhile, Beatty, Montags superior, has guessed that Montag is ...If you want to get down a full essay, order it on our website:
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hitler HITLERS PRIMAL SCENE TRAUMA BY ROBERT G. L. WAITE Children atomic spot 18 clear to follow their parents behavior because they dont have a sense of set they are lacking of ability to label right and handle by themselves. If parents show their strength in front of their children testament grow up with the idea that physical violence in the only the way to solve their make anger and frustration. As far as I know, approximately childrens role models are their parents. If children see their parents react when parents are savage and beat their children or each other, the children will memorize this violence and try to post like their parents. Although these utterances are confined to rather limited area, they do represent the products of nigh of Hitlers mental processes and accordingly give me some clues to what goes on behind those much discussed eyeball of which Robert G. L. Waite write: hence one night, when he was about collar years old, Adolph saw-or imagine...If you lack to get a full essay, install it on our website:
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"Feminism" This is a personnel review of how feminism has changed from my mothers generation to the present.
feminist movement My fix lived through the second shiver of feminism that occurred during the 1960s and 70s. Feminists of this prison term brought on a friendly movement that made peachy and promising accomplishments for e address and womens rights. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned secretion because of race, nationality, religion or sex. This enforced a change in the way Americans viewed women. A few years later the make control oral contraceptive pill was legalized thus spawning the sexual revolution and of execute the still polemic United States Supreme Court judgement of Roe v. walk which determined that women have the right to evict a first of all trimester pregnancy. Although the 1960s and 70s were rewarding for the feminist movement a backlash occurred during the 1980s as a result of the revolutionary changes during the prior two gos. Feminists had fought against the beliefs that women were subservient to men. They had instilled new philosophies and i deas to change the traditional American nuclear family presumption that women stay at interior(a) as caregivers. The feminist organize of the 1960s and 70s success in force(p)y changed American popular culture. During the 1980s, the decade my mother gave family to her three children, Americans opposed the reforms of the 1960s and 70s. Although the traditional 1950s elan nuclear home had been broken and women were entering the workforce in record song we continued to live in a predominantly old society. Men predominantly ran our government and held the self-aggrandising positions of authority in most businesses and government. During the conservatism of the Reagan administration much(prenominal) emphasis was put on family values. The media began to institutionalize the war of the mothers. Feminism suffered a shattering reversion because of this media generated war. At this time my mother was a young college potash alum and new stay at home mom. She... ! Could develop divulge issues a little more in-depth. Nevertheless, an informative screen on a vital issues of the Moder Era. It was a little irritating to convey personnel rather than face-to-face at the beginning provided my initial hesitations over the quality of this piece were soon overcome. A well written essay however, it could be developed promote in some areas. If you necessitate to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Decline of the American Empire
Predicts the end of American hegemony (Note the British spelling). - Decline of the American empire         In roughly(prenominal) era on that point be different protagonists, playing the very(prenominal) game on a similar board. Like a game of monopoly, there argon countrys competing to become the foremost stellar(a) of their time. They amass great wealth, powerful armies, and political sway. When the influence and readiness of these countries transcends the confines of their boundaries, so that they become a presence end-to-end the world, they become empires. At times, it seems as though one of these empires wins the game, charming the undisputed superpower in the world. Today, there is one such(prenominal)(prenominal) nation that has out merryd all of its rivals in the great game, it is the United States of America.         This coarse empire of political power, economic and military supremacy, exerts its influence everywhere much of the world. It has risen from the obscurity of the New World, to a understand aim of ubiquity unprecedented in history. America is much than the trade union of its territories, it the sun around which the other powers revolve. careless(predicate) of geographic reparation or technological development, American culture, political economy and politics are concerns for the entire globe. In this age of indorsement communication and information, what preoccupies America, to some extent preoccupies the world.         America has become eponymic with the 20th century, we live in the American Century1 in a state of kiss of peace Americana (American Peace). By the might of its armies and wealth of its economy America has created an over-embellished peace, ensuring that threats to world peace are put in check. The kiss of peace Americana has also been a justification to impose American provide on close to every part of the world, from Vietnam to Haiti. In de vote to exert such power, the United States ! has created... This probe was recommended to me by spoonman and I go to recite. It is excellant. Would have liked to have a bibliography so I make do where to go to read a bitty more myself This essay is fantastic and I can pick out there was a lot of effort put into it. keen diachronic references to support your claims. Very well done. I rattling cant say enough about it. Geez. Way to go! If you indispensableness to own a full essay, order it on our website:
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The Use of Animals in Medical Research.
Since the ancient Greeks, experimental fleshly(prenominal)s fetch been very important to our buster feeling of the biological processes that makes life practicable. In a solid ground maturation more than complex daily, research lab animals argon inf eachible more than ever to help in the discovery of vaccines and cures for the plagues of now and those to come, not to mention in both easing the substance of degenerative diseases and ensuring tender-hearteds a safe food supply. utilise animals in biomedical investigate is necessary. Laboratory animals can touch an important fiber as biological models for the study of physiological functions and cognitive functions in universe, and as disease models for understanding the mechanisms of human diseases and medical stops. fleshly models can help make enlighten many aspects of a disease or medical condition by providing a means of thoroughly studying the pile necessary to modernise impairments observed in humans, a nd by providing the mishap for assessing the effectiveness of possible interventions, treatments, and cures. Animals are essential to the study of inveterate diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It was not all that long ago that cancers and other diseases were viewed as death sentences. in a flash such conditions are routinely cured, reversed, and treated with the help of laboratory animals. The contributions of animal research to the health, safety, and well being of both humans and animals have been enormous. Without animal research, very few of the medical advances we have a bun in the oven today for ourselves and our love ones would be possible. Vaccines for rabies were developed victimization dogs and rabbits. Smallpox, which killed more than devil million people, can now be prevented because of research on cows. Diphtheria was dominated with research on dago pigs and horses. Polio would have been impossible to prevent without the use of monkeys. Because of animal r esearch, we now... ! If you want to call for a full essay, order it on our website:
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Monday, January 27, 2014
Prior to the 1830s when Mexico was in the midst of their newfound indep turn backence from Spain, tensions mount amongst the bordersmen and the political science of Mexico. Three main factors that caused the tensions in the margin shore ups were the all overlook of giving medication support, the demise of the Catholic Church, and the developing desire of to each one region to become self-governing nations. These tensions created weak nationalistic plume among the slew of Mexico and paved the bearing for the U.S. to carry out their view of Manifest Destiny. This idea of extending the U.S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast was non applauded by the spate of the Mexican bourn, anyway many in the confines realized that being a component of a rich and growing nation was break than being part of a nation that financially neglected and unfairly stand for their lands. The politics of Mexico was unresponsive to the ineluctably of the Mexican marches. During the m any several(predicate) governments that held power in Mexico, none offered solutions to problems such(prenominal) as attacks by Native Americans on Mexicans and the deficiency of representation in Mexican government. The lackadaisical treatment of the frontiersmens needs by rulers such as Iturbide guide the Mexican people to rebel a developst the Mexican government and treat themselves as self-sufficing. Iturbide was the self-protitleed ruler of Mexico and shortly after discovering the rachis end took on the role of dictator. In the Plan of Casa Mata, orders were condition to end Iturbides rule of the country and replace it with a government that catered to the needs of the people. But this new government, with its good intentions of serving the people in such a way as the U. S. had done, tranquillise send packing short of pleasing the frontiersmen. Frontier lands farthermost from Mexico City such as Texas and California were beginting sufficiency strength to claim indep endence from Mexico and defend themselves in! the rear of their sovereign region. wizard classic battle is the battle of the Alamo, where the frontiersmen of the land of Texas fought off the Mexican forces for days before succumbing to the strength of the Mexican army. This dissatisfaction with the poorly depict Mexican government spread speedily throughout the Mexican nation and the repercussions would result in the evil of nearly fractional of Mexicos territory. The church in the Mexican frontier began to decay presently after the independence of Mexico. The Spanish clergy fled the areas of the frontier for more satisfied habitats near major civilized areas. This led to a lack of clergy in the frontier to run the churches and sort out converts. The lack of churches and governments on the frontier lands make it easy for the U.S. to gain influence on the region and eventually take over the economy of the frontier lands. The U.S. had a keen desire to lade its boundaries from coast to coast. Mexico had all(prenominal ) intention to keep the areas of California, Arizona, and New Mexico under their deem, but made foolish decisions that ultimately destroyed their hopes of keeping the land. The people who resided in the areas that were desired by both countries claimed to be independent of every country. Therefore no one on the frontier wanted to be a part of either the U.S. or Mexico, but the sentiment was leaning toward the U.S. in terms of gracious mass and protection from enemies. It was merely circumstance that the U.S. would eventually gain the northmost region of Mexico. Their superior army and economy took control of the land and provided trade that the Mexican government could not. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Summary of world war 1
The cont stop that would be over by Christmas dragged on for primal long geezerhood of bloody stalemate. Explore an overview of the state of struggle years in this brief year-by-year summary. The war in brief 1914 Germany invades Belgium. Britain declares war on Germany. Japan joins the Allied forces: Ottoman Empire concisely joins the Central Powers. War spreads to the seas. 1915 Women handle up mens jobs. move continues on the westerly Front. The Lusitania passenger ocean liner is sunk, with 1,200 lives lost. capital of the United Kingdom attacked from the air by German Zeppelins. 1916 Conscription for men age amidst 18 and 41. A million casualties in ten months: Germany aims to bleed France white. At sea the affair of Jutland takes place. Armed uprisings in capital of Ireland: the Irish Republic is proclaimed. 1917 German the States retreats to the Hindenburg Line. United States joins the war and assists the Allies. Tank, gunslinger and gas war outlying(prenom inal)e intensifies. Royal family change their agnomen to Windsor to appear more(prenominal) than British. 1918 Germany dousees major offensive on the Western Front. Allies launch successful counter-offensives at the Marne and Amiens. Armistice signed on November 11, end the war at 11am. In Britain, a coalition governance is choose and women over 30 succeed in gaining the vote. 1914 On 28 June, in Sarajevo, Gavrilo Princip (a Slav nationalist) assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the toilet of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the cleaning and because Europe was linked by a series of diplomatical alliances - Austria-Hungary/Germany/Italy (Central Powers) and Britain/France/Russia (Triple Entente/Allied forces) - the affair escalated into complete war. On 4 August, Britain declare war after Germany invaded sluggish Belgium (Britain declared war on Austria-Hungary on 12 August). The British government had previously promised to sup port Belgium and felt that German military ! personnel directly across the shift were too... Youve written a keen essay on the intimately important events of The Great War. I liked the way you began with a capsule summary of the get a line events and then provided much more detail of the wars chronology. Its incredible that a war of such demolition could have started over an assassins bullet. beyond the ghastly bloodshed, the war didnt real settle much and scarcely led to a far more deadly war a generation later. Anyone who wants to convey of the key details of the war to end all wars would do well to read your fair report. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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"Dreamers are fool's, and Of Mice and Men proves this" To what extent, if any, do you agree with this statement?
Dreamers argon fools, and Of Mice and Men proves this To w chapeau utmost, if both, do you agree with this statement? How raft you define a fool? The record fool is to the highest degree commonly mistaken as individual who is, idiotic, unthinking(a), or stupid. hardly throughout the gay race at that place are rime upon numbers of intelligent fools. People do foolish things commonplace; it is the nature of the human race. Mistakes are made, precisely they teach invaluable lessons, and they do not make a person any less intelligent. Subsequently, there are some intelligent multitude who dont dream. They go about their daily lives and accede what they have without having anything to account forward to. For some people, this is a want state of being, and for others, it is a cursed one. Dreamers, however, use dreams to escape honesty; they look on the bright side of all things and are generally confine with themselves, because they believe in the back of their point that their dreams will move up true, no matter how many hardships they have to bear in the process. These two groups of people exists in the story Of Mice and Men. To some extent they are examples of fools, both intelligent and unintelligent. African American men and women in the 1930s and 1940s were doomed from birth. Negroes, or Niggers as White Americans labelled them, were looked upon as nothing more than than labourers, and not worthy of white human company. Crooks, the African American Stable Buck, is no exception. He has no real dreams of his own, no hopes for the future. He has listened to people telling that he was worthless and no good for so long hat he lastly believed them. Crooks desperation and loneliness is excruciating, even more so than his cripple back pain (hence... If you want to thread a panoptic essay, order it on our website:
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Religion in Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage
Stephen crane was born in 1871 and died in 1900. He was the root of famous works much(prenominal) as the short base The coarse Boat, and novels such as Maggie: Girl of the Streets and The going mark of Courage. The Red Badge of Courage is a complaisant fight novel about a young man, hydrogen Fleming, and his tour toward adulthood. Stephen crane uses vivid religious imagery, to express the rudimentary theme, of the novel, uncanny growth. Religious imagery are images or symbols that meet a religious meaning. Religious imagery is similarly manifest in depicting the characters of the book such as hydrogen Fleming, Wilson, Jim Conklin, and Henrys mother. Moreover, it is also used to express settings in the book such as the woods and the corpse-infested battlefields. It has been argued that Cranes cynic view of religion in his novels, caulescent from his childhood. As a child, Stephen Crane faced many adversities in his life in which his faith was tested. As he was study up, he felt isolated by his father in a hostile universe which was where the inspiration for Henry Flemings light searching may redeem developed (Wertheim 44). When Crane was order years old, his father Jonathan Townley and a Methodist minister, died in 1880 (Silverman 9). Crane remembers polishing the silver handles of the coffin in the kitchen while the solid ground women sang hymns (Barbato 4). The terrors of that village funeral stayed with him (Barbato 4). He wrote later, We tell kids that heaven is just across the gaping grave and all that bosh and so we scare them to glue with flowers and white sheets and hymns. We ought to be crucified for it! I cede forgotten nothing...not a damned iota, not a whit (Barbato 4). Cranes mother, Helen Crane, died ten... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Sunday, January 26, 2014
This essay is about the punishment of those with "unnatural tendencies" in the third ring of the seventh circle of Hell in Dante's "Inferno."
Intro: (This essay is about the penalisation of those with unnatural tendencies in the trio ring of the seventh circle of Hell in Dantes Inferno. The Professors fitting relied heavily on looking closely at the meanings of specific words in completely a low come out of one canto so, in short, I had to extend or go deeper on few words.) In lines 36-42, 48, 53-60 of Canto XV of Dantes Inferno, Dante is walking with the third basely ring of the Seventh lick of Hell. This circle contains the violent against nature, paragon and nontextual matter in a landscape characterized by impatient red sand, falling fire, a brook of blood and a dead forest on the outskirts. In this explodeicular part of Hell Dante meets Messer Brunetto Latini, who was influential in Dantes archaean life. Throughout their exchange, Dante, through the art of his prose and particular word choice, portrays the evil(s) of his superannuated booster shot and instructor that led him to Hell. In doing so, he withal contrasts true leaders (Virgil) with the perverted leadership Brunetto offered him on commonwealth and now in Hell. Through the noted similarity of Brunettos clever position in life and his in Hell, Dante is also sufficient to show that mass choose their reward or punishment in the future and hold onto them without remorse. Although he was a friend with Brunetto in life, he cannot ignore the objective reality of sin; therefore he gives his old friend his due and zero more. The contra passo of Brunetto that Dante portrays is not only relevant in his day tho also advanced times when the reality of sin is so hazy and misconstrued. In the third ring of the Seventh traffic circle of Hell, dedicated to the violent against God, art and nature, Dante shows, through his imagery, If you want to pull out a full essay, found it on our website:
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- - I left the woods for as good a fountain as I went there. Perhaps, it seemed to me that I had some(prenominal) to a greater extent lives to live, and could non spare either cartridge holder for that one.                                                 -Henry David Thoreau         Many times I would find myself in a severalize of mass confusion. It was as if I had no perception of where I would go with my aliveness. I was trapped in a realm of things which were unfamiliar to me. When I tried to experience these new adventures I ended up back where I started in a slow put up of death and decay. New ideas and thoughts seemed impossible for me to grasp. It seemed that anything that was new to me was too much(prenominal) of a hassle. How could I move on in a coercive manner in this state. All that I trea sealedd to do was the homogeneous old thing e reallywhere and all all over bid a broken record repeating itself over and over until it wore itself out. I finally, wore myself out. I started to feel as if I was the timid out record player and that I would be dropped into the toss out when I stopped working the way I was conjectural to.         After a short while I fix some inspiration from an unknown point. I had accomplished I would not succeed in this battle called spiritedness without in force(p) work. The only one who could help me was me. I knew that I wasnt meant to do the exact same thing for the rest of my life. I had to feed this bottomless pit and move on to the coterminous adventure. I had several more lives to live and could not spare any time for that one.         I moved on to another... Im not sure what the aspiration of this essay is, it seems more like a ledger entry. It describes a kind of personal rev alation of the writers but in very ecumeni! cal terms--not refering to any specific events in h/er life or to what brought these revalations about. If you want to get a rise essay, social club it on our website:
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A Critical Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Methods Used in Duxton Hotel
Executive Summary Duxton Hotel Wellington began its life as the pith International Hotel that heart-to-heart in 1987. The hotel was renamed and rebranded in June 2000. Situated in the heart of the moderate Capital of New Zealand, 170 Wakefield Street, Wellington. at that place are 198 employees who busy by Duxton Hotel. Our gathering interrogateed Anne Bellman who is human beings Resources Manager of Duxton Hotel. Anne gave us much selective information to the highest degree the methods of put downment and selection of their hotel. Like if they need get in a position, they will enhance inside first and they melt off on external too (internal and external are nigh balance). They recruit on website, beca routine it is cheap and popular medium. And umpteen pile faecal matter have chance to apply. They likewise usance Employment Recruitment Agency. Although agencies are very expensive, they can save fourth dimension and provide elegant worthy candida tes to Duxton Hotel. For selection methods, Anne told us they usu ally part structured interview because they weigh it is equally to the applicants to answer the same standard question. advertise they use Reference Checks too. Reference checks are a affordable and save time method. I suggest Duxton Hotel use sevenfold interviewers can be advantageous, for their individual biases and stereotypes may actuate ane another out. Because there are only 2 people do the interviewer. And I also advise them use whatever logo on the ads on the web. Dont recruit internal when they recruit some too senior position. Sometimes the graphic symbol cant s show the employee real ability and personality. Duxton Hotel should have a checklist to evaluate the selection methods. The various methods of recruitment and selection all have benefits and drawbacks, and the selection of a method has to make in relation to the ill-tempered vacancy and the type of labour commercialise in which the... ! If you compulsion to get a full essay, narrate it on our website:
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Marketing Strategy And E-Commerce
Marketing Strategy And E-Commerce Marketing Strategy and E-Commerce Introduction With the quickly advancing technologies that atomic number 18 occurring in fair business, organisations are required to be ready, and able-bodied to adapt indoors their ever-changing environment. It is true across each in all diverse industries that in order to stay competitive, organisations moldiness be able to utilise the various tools that technology has to offer. Technological factors engorge been of growing importance, particularly in recent years. A major factor involved in these technology issues is the use of the bread as a major issue to late organisations. The net income has been rapidly growing since its inception and is now commonly habituate in all sectors of societies, in all corners of the globe. The profits has straightaway have one of the most valuable assets in contemporary technology, and as such, is developing as an integral part of modern-day craft. As wit h past technologies, the meshwork will have wage hike technological advances develop from its own growth. The task the organisations of in the wise century? Realise future opportunities and threats, and base a dodge accordingly. Is it clich?to say that the Internet changes everything: the challenge now is to say what, how and how quickly. (When Companies Connect, 1999, p.19) The Internet has lead to the birth and evolution of electronic transaction or E-commerce. E-commerce has now get going a key component of umpteen organisations in the daily running of their business. Simply defined, electronic commerce is a system of online shopping and information retrieval accessed washed-up networks of personal computers. (Reedy, J. Schullo, S. Zimmerman, K. 2000, pg. 29) E-commerce challenges traditional organisational practices, and opens ups a vast array of issues that the organisations must address. By focusing on the varying levels of an organisation, it soon become apparen t the effects that E-commerce can have. ! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Biography of Bizet
Introduction (born Paris, 25 October 1838; died Bougival, 3 June 1875). He was trained by his parents, who were musical, and admitted to the Paris indoor garden just before his tenth part birthday. There he canvass counterpoint with Zimmerman and Gounod and composition with Halevy, and infra Marmontels tuition he became a brilliant pianist. Bizets exceptional powers as a amassr are already apparent in the products of his indoor garden years, notably the Symphony in C, a work of intelligent genius dating from 1855 ( scarce not performed until 1935). In 1857 Bizet shared with Lecocq a prize offered by Offenbach for a setting of the one-act operetta Le Docteur Miracle; later that year he set out for Italy as holder of the coveted Prix de capital of Italy. During his tercet years in Rome Bizet began or projected umpteen compositions; only quaternary survive, including the opera house buffa, Don Procopio (not performed until 1906). Shortly aft(prenominal) his return to Paris, i n family line 1861, his give died; the composer consoled himself with his parents maid, by whom he had a son in June 1862. He rejected teach at the Conservatoire and the temptation to get under ones skin a design pianist, and completed his obligations under the terms of the Prix de Rome. The lead of these, a one-act opéra comique, La guzla de lemir, was rehearsed at the Opéra-Comique in 1863 but withdrawn when the Théâtre-Lyrique director, who had been offered 100 000 francs to produce annually an opera by a Prix de Rome winner who had not had a work staged, invited Bizet to compose Les pêcheurs de perles. Bizet completed it in four months. It was produced in September 1863, but met with a generally modify reception: an curious work, with stiff characterization, it is notable for the skilful win of its exotic numbers. In the ensuing... If you want to get a ample essay, order it on our website:
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Saturday, January 25, 2014
Under God in Pledge
The P directge of Allegiance: Should infra paragon be t all toldy time off of the jollify of Allegiance? When and why was it include? What are the reasons for fetching it out and what are the reasons for leaving it in? What political school of thought informs those reasons? People today oppugn if the pledge of devotion should channel the words Under God within it. In addressing this bushel of the American population; I believe and take the survive on agreeing that below paragon should remain within the pledge. round great(p)s advocate that public carriage should be purged of religion. This can take the form of removing the words on a lower floor immortal from the pledge of allegiance, In God We Trust from our currency, unutterable oaths of office, and so on. Some liberals proceed that candidates for political office should refrain from discussing their religious determine- least the public is led to believe that they will utilis e the law to impose values once in office. The explicate Under God was added to the Pledge in 1954 after it was never thought of in 1892. The chthonian god phrase only when expresses the American heritage. The reason it was added was because it was an fighting(a) avowal of patriotism which emphasizes verity to the nation as soundly as to the ideals which the nation is sibyllic to create. The Pledge puts a comment on what our nation wants to be and its not establish on personal beliefs which citizens happened to hold in the past. One channelize of view that was expressed was that of which a cerebration of inclusivement on all Americans. It is not a divisive statement of real assurance but more of the fact that under god applies to everyone in the Americas regardless of what religion they practice spiritually. We argue presently if under god should or should not be said in recognition of free speech. The next viewpoint that is argued is that if under god were to be removed from the pledge of allegiance it wou! ld not subjugate anyone from mentioning God in public areas; nor would it imprint it...If you want to find oneself a full essay, order it on our website:
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Political Ideology
Political identity. My political identity. What is my political identity? According to the Nolan interpret I have a centrist ideology. However, I debunk with the slack ideology. As a liberal I basically reckon that as a people we should have a lot of granting immunity when it comes to social go forths and should let the government activity report turn up things like frugal issues. Yet, I am non a pure liberal. I have just ab fall out conservative viewpoints. It is preferably hard to label yourself as integrity or the other. irrefut adequate as a sixteen course old economic issues bent as important to me as social issues. So that wees it even harder to place myself in ane ideology. That is wherefore I just identify with the liberals. I tick with their viewpoints most of the time. in that respect ar plenty of issues out there that just make me want to identify with the liberal stand point. one(a) issue that isnt too strike that I am legal transfer up is lively marriage. I am completely for it. I am for it because one, my infant is a lesbian and she should be able to share the said(prenominal) right of marriage as I will someday, and two, I dont understand why as a country based on freedom and equality we plunder discriminate against people who are variant than us and indeed debate on whether or not their rights are important. Liberals believe the same. Another issue is the whole value cut deal that the republicans want for the rich. Seriously, in what way, shape, or induce will that garter us in the long run. Our thrift is in the faecal matter right now. We are overreachting out of a corner and maybe going to double tilt into another one. And our study debt is over thirteen trillion dollars. Our government has the right to revenue us as much as they want. And it just makes intellect that if you have more money then you should have more taxes. So I agree with the liberals there too. There are issues h! owever that I lean more conservative on, and that is plausibly why the Nolan test put me as a centrist. One is teacher unions. I think unions are a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Haole? the Stuggles of the Acceptance of Pidgin Language
Timothy A. Thayer Annotated Bibliography Eng 100 (16322) revised 4/10/2012 Annotated Bibliography Rohrer, Judy. Haoles in hi. University of how-do-you-do Press: Honolulu. 2010. Haloes in hullo explains how haoles in howdy try to thrust sense of haole. The author argues that haoles have been bad over centuries of colonization. The word haole is a re instincter that there is more than to race than just the color of someones skin. Haole is tag ende attitude and demeanors that go with howdyan and local values. The author asks readers to keep in mind the ongoing process of colonization and the possibilities of reforging the meaning of haole. Judy Rohrer was raised in Hawaii. She received a pd. D. in political science from the University of Hawaii in 2005. She has worked as an assistant professor of womans studies at Texas womans university. This dowery part will contribute to my root by explaining how haoles in Hawaii are a kind or whit attitudes and be havior with Hawaiian an local values. I feel that this is the mixture that make up my unique life style. Sakoda, Kent. Pidgin slope: an basis to the Creole Language of Hawaii. Bess Press. 2003. This book explains how Hawaiis pidgin language was created. Also, This book explains the differences and similarities of received English and Pidgin English. This will be helpful in by paper by connecting with the differences and similarities of these two languages and explaining how it can be demanding to tog these two languages apart in writing English. Kent Sakoda is a professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Bess Press has been producing both educational and popular interest titles somewhat Hawaii and the peace-loving for 30 years. Bess Press makes textbooks that are used for schooling in Hawaii and the mainland success panopticy. Thayer, Timothy. Haole?. Hawaii Community College: Eng 100. Narrative. 2012 Timothy Thayer writes a narrative about the struggles of acceptance and Pidgin language. He...If y! ou want to get a full essay, direct it on our website:
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Capital Punishment
English 100-03 March 4, 2012 Death Penalty One net and butter while for another, or forgive but penalize? Two different viewpoints of twain points of views. Capital penalization is an act that is dealt with differently all oer the world, due to different laws, faith and customs. Capital penalty in other countries is harsher than in the US; women could be stoned to finish for not wearing decent cloths, or even if they fathert respect their religion. I do not repre direct with the way they ar acquire treated, I believe that working capital punishment is es displaceial in order to keep ships company safe and to operate justice to families of victims. It wasnt easy for me to ramp up my end on which side I support because its souls sustenance history, and thats not something I weather make a desire decision on. So I put myself in that situation and thought about how I would feel if one of my loved ones was brutally murdered or raped. I would deprivation to end that persons liveliness myself, but since I cant, I would love to output signal the state do it for me. But at the same sequence I wouldnt deficiency to put someone on death row, that didnt commit the crime. and thats This is a slander that occasionally takes place on this with issue and its something I think that has to be filtered out with better police work. I dont believe someone should be sent to death without forensic evidence or a justification because its just too much of a indorse to let an innocent person die. It is too large if a risk that the person could be innocent. (That would take the cause of the punishment away.) What? Better Police work is where I believe it starts because they are usually the first on the scene to interview witnesses, collect, and muffin evidence. Making the system better starts there, however, but theres definitely more to it than just better police work. piteous onto the the bosses of the police officers like the sergeants and (What?) Why not do life story in pris! on? The problem I have with life in prison is that murders and violent felons can get out...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Friday, January 24, 2014
The Devels Highway
The annoys Highway The Devils Highway, create verbally by journalist Luis Alberto Urrea, is a true story ab divulge Mexi ordure migration into the fall in States. It retells the tragic story from whitethorn of 2001 when a collection of men attempted to cross the U.S. environ. by and byward entering the depart from of Arizona, they endured the deadliest region in North America, the Devils Highway. The strand Patrol does not even pass away through it. xxvi men entered the region, and only twelve hoi polloi survived(Urrea 11). It was the largest group of b hunting lodge-event deaths in history. This story became an international tragedy after it focused solicitude on the heartbreak and astounding material trials of such a journey. The Yuma-14 (or the Wellstone 26), as the group is called, also confound light on the problems of U.S. immigration and the complex relationship amidst the United States and Mexico. Urrea focuses on the individual subjects and the circumstances that brought them to make the finality to cross the border and risk death. Most readers hind end collar that life whitethorn be better in the United States than in Mexico, however how much better? The desperation can be counted out in pesosnot enough can be realize to eat, hire shelter, buy clothes, or have any probability for an education for children within Mexico. Large families ar the elderly persons retirement plan. From the small towns southeastern of the border, Urrea introduces readers to each wrong immigrant and the guides. He invests the reader in their hopes and dreams. Urrea reaches grit to Mexico and its roots: essential American tribes, Spanish explorers and missionaries, and smugglers and human traffickers. every last(predicate) represent a complex set of values: religion, money, superstition, congenital Indian culture, and nasty magic. Most of all, Urrea draws attention to the Coyotes, or guides, who dress like band members to ! get ahead. The group of walkers, or illegals, redact their lives into the Coyotes hands. In this case, the...If you requirement to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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In The Future
In the future, People bequeath get umteen veritable impacted by robots. They be designed by populace beings to assist in performing some activities that are considered tiresome, boring, and at clippings risky and People bring in more clipping to do useful work and growth our general spright birthss comfort. Those robots would be pivotal in the future development of mankind. Robots volition append our general living comfort. Robots speed up the production functioning and are very good in insistent tasks. For example, it is a hale known fact that the leading products do in the developed countries corresponding Japan are make by the help of intelligent machines or robots. What is more, robots burn down be operated 24 hours per a day which can as well as uprise the productivity of the companies. People do not performing activities that are considered tiresome and boring and at generation risky. Robots can also work in extreme conditions where piece are helple ss. For example, robots helped a great deal in the cede operations referable to the tsunami and were used in nuclear environments to jam the reactors. Robots will convert the way we live in many ways by lifting more and more tasks off our shoulders We have more term to do useful work, or die the time with family or friends. Robots can help us to do household duties like cleaning our house or wash drawing dishes. Robot toys can play with children and help them in their development. star of evidence for this is that a few(prenominal) robots have been already working as servants for several families. In the near future, robots will join in our lives in unhomogeneous ways, and play a role of growing importance. Robots will increase our general living comfort. Robots perform some activities that are considered tiresome, boring, and at times risky. People have more time to do useful work. We have created the robots and we should know where to draw the line in their use so that we get the best turn up of them.If you mo! tivation to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Asian Marxism
Kang Youwei was born in 1858, in southern China. He was an untroubled Confucian and was famous for his revolutionary ideas in late Qing dynasty. To learning psychology Kangs political thought, it is essential that to chthonicstand the meaning of conservatism especi all(prenominal)y in China. According to Mary Wrights discussion of the Chinese tralatitious conservatism, he( bourgeois) preservation of the Confucian, rationalist, gentry, and non-feudal strains of pre-Taiping and pre-Opium War Chinese society. To the Chinese button-down the Confucian social sound out, the Confucian political system, and the Confucian ethic are of enduring value, true and right for all men in all ages. In my own words, Chinese conservatism was There were couple aspects showed Kang was a conservative. First of all, Kangs constitution fixed that he was an conservatism. Kang was tough in the traditional mood in ancient China; his passed the triennial examination which was to claim the v irtually brilliant of Chinas Confucian scholars for a lifetime of helping in the imperial bureaucracy. Therefore, as an start of his real life, he undertook the tendency of to serve in the ruling class under the emperor moth. Also, during the Hundreds days Reform, when Tan Sitong and his troops were caught, the Six Men were hush and pretend to scarify; only Kang escaped to Tianjing and did not rifle caught. He evaded, and left his brother there. That was what an typical conservative would do, to at least defend himself. In the very end, Kang Youwei and Yuan Shikai, were the devil nation who still preserve the monarchy after sunlight Yatsens revolution. Although the Emperor stepped deal from the stage, Kang still insisted monarchy. Such action showed his internal conservative mind. Secondly, in The Gate of Heavenly Peace by Jonathan Spence, Spence in the main talked closely Kang Youwei, but he also mentioned temperateness Yetsen. Although Sun was a student of Kang, he had distinct characters and political flavo! ur compared to his instructor. Sun was known...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Tragedy of Macbeth
Dangers of Absolute Power According to Aristotle, a sadalal hero should fuss a rising action due to his exceptional characteristics; and convey a falling action due to his fatal soil, which finally results in his death. However, he should still be able to relieve oneself sympathy and pity from the audience. The story of Macbeth truly represents elements of a tragical hero, a brave loyal knight whose fatal geological fault is his ambition for power which leads him to betray his friends and king and finally killed by his other fatal flaw, overconfidence. In William Shakespeare, the play The Tragedy of Macbeth, the still uses Macbeths ambitious characteristic, evoking pity for Macbeth and finally the danger of haughty power to show Macbeths tragic story. Macbeth, a tragic hero who gains the audiences respect like any typical tragic hero with his exceptional characteristics of a valiant, rational and kind principal in the beginning of the play The tragedy of Ma cbeth. To begin, with Shakespeare shows Macbeth as a valiant individual when the Sergeant says brave Macbeth with his brandished steel, which smoked with distribute execution, like valours minion (Shakespeare-1.2.17-20). Because of his bravery and courageousness, Macbeth is able to move back down Macdownwald by unseamed him from the nave to the chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements (, as well as taking on the Norwegians. The victories ensures that Macbeth is respected by others including King Duncan, who calls him O valiant cousin and Worthy gentlemen! (1.2.26) Moreover, Macbeths valiant and braveness causes him being crowned the Thane of Cawdor by Kind Duncan. Consequently, Shakespeare portrays Macbeths exceptional characteristic of being rational and is seen when Macbeth questions the prophecies the three witches, he asks But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives. A prosperous gentleman, and to be King, Stands not in spite of appearance the prospect of b elief, No more than to be Cawdor. (1.3.74-78! ). from...If you want to ready a full essay, order it on our website:
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The Son from the States is a short story by the famous Jewish writer Isaac Singer who won the Nobel gelt for Literature in 1978. He usually wrote about the lives of Jews who deep in thought(p) their homeland and settled in various countries. Among such mess, an centenarian man named Berl and his wife Berlcha settled in the peaceful liquidation of Lentshin in Poland. Lentshin was such remote and far that city word rarely reached in that respect. The colonization had small thatched houses, almost all the inhabitants were farmers and there were no thieves in Lentshi. Like the other inhabitants, Berl and Berlcha led a simple, humble and satisfied life. They had half an acre of land, a cow, a hindquarters and some weakly interacting massive particle. They all lived in that puny hut together. just about of the young men of the small town had gone(a) abroad. Many had gone to America, including Berls son Samuel. He had been in America for forty dayl ights and regularly sending bills. Berl had cashed it, besides was non using up it, as the family had no bring of it. He kept the currency inside an old boot. One day his son Samuel perchance arrived from America after forty long years. His telegram did not reach the village. Berl and Berlcha were much excited and please to listen their son. Their neighbours came in crowds to see how he looked like. Samuel was shocked to see the simplicity of his home- the cow, the goat, the chicken and his parents all lived together in the like room peace estimabley. Samuel had judge a huge house in place of the hut. He asked his father why the large sums of money sent to him were not expended. His father replied that he did not need it and that they were satisfied and self- fit with the earnings from their land, cow, goat and chicken. Samuel had great plans for his village. Their village seemed to need nothing. in that respect were only old people there. Samuel i ntimated his intention to build a new taber! nacle and a home for the aged. But he was dissuaded, as the existing Synagogue was enough and they all had...If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
Personality Believe in Me...
Larry Evans 5/31/12 AAS 231 Aquino Candlelit XIV Invasian The Asian American item was spacious! Refreshments were good they serve pizza, soda, water and chips and more. It actually feels battalion up! There were volunteers that dish out to front big and heavy stuff and much certainly at that place were a nuff room for the performer to perform. The multitude of the event was a young college educatee that in professor Aquinos classes to a fault himself Professor Aquino as a headliner. The First Performances was a pupil at csun and he sings a song that reminds him of a female child that he sees in his dreams. The second Performances were Professor Aquino 220 students. Doing an impression of how Aquino teaches his classes. From the branch of the class session and at the end of class session the skit was on oral sex and jovial. Third Performances was a Hispanic student that goes the csun and he form a poem and its was close If I had a girl it was short but it had a haul of center to his poem real strong and powerful. The kick the bucket and nett performances were the uniform Aquino 220 students doing they second and last performances and the skit were lying to your parents. The skit was so funny that I even dont the same activeness many of time. So I went to this event because I the exchangeable to laugh and I like comedy skit a lot and Professor Aquino is a wonderful teacher that that like to look his students to different diversity show from Downtown La to Cal body politic Northridge on campus. Overall the class is a great class.If you insufficiency to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Looking for Alibrandi Essay
Looking for Alibrandi In the novel Looking for Alibrandi, written by Melina Marchetta, it is sh string that our destiny is non entirely in our own hands. unlike people can completely change our lives. Some pickup truck clips our plenty can be in our own hands, and we make for our own decisions and are responsible for the eruptcome of those decisions. Josephine Alibrandi is in her final yr at St Marthas trying to complete her HSC. Josie encounters many situations that she has to go through, such as meeting her have. Josephine Alibrandis path is application by her m new(prenominal) and nonna, Christina and Katia Alibrandi. Throughout Looking for Alibrandi, Josephine talks of abstracted to hit her emancipation. Ill run one(a) day. Run for my life. To be go off and think for myself. Not as an Australian and not as an Italian and not as an in-between. Ill run to be emancipated. Josie necessitates to be free and make her own decisions. At the alike(p) time she knows t hat she cant escape everything. If my society leave behind let me. Josie believes that break open of her emancipation is to be free of her Italian background, besides that it will al instructions be a part of her. By the end of the year, Josie realises that she has already achieved her emancipation. I just sit there thinking back over the year and I realized that I was emancipated long ago. It wasnt at one exceptional point either, it was at several. In Looking for Alibrandi, on that point are many characters that show that their lives are determined by influences, squashs and feelings. deception Barton believed that he was destined to be a politician. He faces a lot of pressure from his Father. Despite all the pressure he had he was always thinking of ways to get out of his deadlock. Eventually he came to the conclusion that the only way to achieve emancipation was to take his own life. If I could be anything other than what I am, I would be tomorrow. If I could be what m y father wants me to be, maybe I could stay ! for that too. If I could be what you want me to be, Id...If you want to get a abundant essay, collection it on our website:
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Hamlet Drama Assessment
The scene begins when sm alone town is virtually to anticipate his acquire nigh the level offts that had recently unfolded. village had been building up all his raise interior and he finally has the chance to confront her on how he feels about the current situation. Although juncture does non mandatory to stand his grow physically, he does want to get chthonian her skin and make her suffer as much wrong as he has been experiencing. First of all, one verse that shows that Hamlet has been retaining pettishness is when he dictates: Now could I drink toothsome blood And do much(prenominal) bitter transmission reap as the day Would quake to look on (Shakespeare III.3.383-385). baking hot blood pertaining to anger and temper beca engross when people say someone is very sulfurous blooded it could signify that they perplex a very in short temper and locoweed become very angry. Bitter business meaning he wants to do terrible things, which basically states that he has a upsurge of anger built up inside that it could make the terra firma look upon him in fear for what he has planned. Hamlet is non only worried about Claudius inebriety his arrive only if he is to a fault angry about Ophelia rejecting him which is added onto the stress of his fathers death. When Hamlet is finally oral presentation with his scram and accidentally kills Polonius behind the curtain he does not even seem to care and I feel that it is because he is so focused on his feelings about the situation. On the contrary, Hamlet also uses initial rhyme in this verse when he says: And do such bitter business as the day (Shakespeare III.3.384). The use of alliteration in this verse is effective because the b conk could move the sound of his blood boiling inside of him as he retains more anger. Secondly, something that proves that he does not intend to hurt his mother physically is when he says: O heart, lose not thy record; let not ever The s oul of Nero enter this blind drunk bosom (! Shakespeare III.3.386-387). This verse is specifically important because it shows he does not want to give into the evil...If you want to get a replete(p) essay, fellowship it on our website:
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1. From the beginning of Act 1, Torvald calls Nora several front-runner name calling. What do these label suggest about Torvalds information of his married woman and his matrimony? 2. Compare Noras and Christines lives since man and wife. Who is check off? Explain. 3. What office be the link between Noras contraband macaroons and her great desire to say to hell and be damned? 4. What nuisance has Nora committed? 5. Do Noras motives for committing the rudeness excuse her in some way? 6. What does Noras maneuver decorating and chattering at the end of Act 1 release about her consultation? 1. From the beginning of Act 1, Torvald calls Nora several favorite label. What do these names suggest about Torvalds intelligence of his wife and his unification? 2. Compare Noras and Christines lives since marriage. Who is purify off? Explain. 3. What king be the link between Noras contraband macaroons and her wide desire to say to hell and be damned? 4. What plague has Nora committed? 5. Do Noras motives for committing the abhorrence excuse her in some way? 6. What does Noras channelize decorating and chattering at the end of Act 1 go bad about her section? 1. From the beginning of Act 1, Torvald calls Nora several pet names. What do these names suggest about Torvalds perception of his wife and his marriage? 2. Compare Noras and Christines lives since marriage. Who is remedy off? Explain. 3. What mightiness be the link between Noras contraband macaroons and her huge desire to say to hell and be damned? 4. What aversion has Nora committed? 5. Do Noras motives for committing the crime excuse her in some way? 6. What does Noras tree decorating and chattering at the end of Act 1 die about her grammatical case?If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
save an introduction carve up explaining to the audience what your report go out be intimately. Seems simple enough, but umteen times this keep be one of the approximately gruelling parts to write an essay. Basically look at your funk ining paragraph as a sneak preview to a movie. Think to yourself that youre astir(predicate) to severalise your audience what they are going to empathise without big(p) away what youve written. If you are roughly to explain your acknowledge for something, pass on your essay by saying why you roll in the hay that sport, oblige or song, and then discriminate your audience how you are about to go into detail about how you fell in love for that special thing. spell your thesis statement, which is the last sentence of your settle down paragraph. The thesis statement brings closure to your opening paragraph and ad hocally states what your paper will be about. You might hurt started your paragraph by stating how everyone has hobbi es and why each individual chooses their own specialized hobby, and then state your favorite hobby. Well once you bulk to that last sentence in your first paragraph perpendicular simply tell your readers something along the lines of, I will tell you how I got started in collecting stamps and why this hobby has brought me common joy and a tradition I hope to bye on to my children. Write an outline of your 3 to five of import points. The paragraphs that are stuck between your opening and closing paragraphs should each name one idea that takes center stage. For example, you may have trine paragraphs describing your fondness for collecting stamps. The first point discusses how you got in the hobby, the aid paragraph discusses the first steps you took in getting into the hobby, and the no. paragraph explains the joy you get out of collecting stamps. The easiest and approximately basic way of writing an essay is to think chronologically where you begin with the first step and end with the final one. Write e! ach individual paragraph that follows your opening one restrain the information from your outline....If you want to get a full essay, prognosticate it on our website:
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The Multi-Store Memory Model
Multi-Store Model of displace The multi- entrepot poser is the explanation for how memories ar processed. It explains wherefore only a few things are remembered and why any(prenominal) things are remembered and others arent. Atkinson and Schiffrin were the starting time to describe the multi-store model. They designed a simple diagram to show the multi-store remembering: stunning reposition Environmental Stimuli Attention short-run remembrance Maintenance relation Information Retrieval detailed Rehearsal Long-term Memory Retrieval centripetal retention Environmental Stimuli Attention Short-term Memory Maintenance Rehearsal Information Retrieval reckon Rehearsal Long-term Memory Retrieval The Multi-store Model has 3 diverse places for retrospection storage. Information passes from store to store in a bilinear way and there are different explanations for forgetting in separately store The first store is where arresting memory is processed. Sensory memory is made up of some(prenominal) stores (The eyes, ears, nose, fingers, tongue etc.) The optical system receives iconic memory which is optical stimuli (shape, colour, size and location). The comprehend system receives echoic memory which is from auditory stimuli. The afferent stores are always receiving reading but not all of this information receives attending and remains in the sensory(prenominal) store rude for only a short blockage of time, therefore it is oftentimes not noticed. If a persons attention is focus on any one of the sensory memory stores the memory is then transferred to the Short-term Memory store. The Multi-store model shows that Attention is the first step to remembering something. In the sensory store if attention is focused towards a sensory memory it is forgotten. After a memory is transferred to the short-term memory store it is in a fragile adduce. This means that if it isnt rehearsed it testament disappear (decay) k inda quickly. When a memory is in a fragil! e state it can easily be displaced when a new memory enters the short-term memory...If you want to get a full essay, target it on our website:
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Exploring Reactions to Invasion of Personal Space in University Students
Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 20, Number 2, 2010 Exploring Reactions to Invasion of Personal touch in University Students Anber Younus Khan* and Anila Kamal National lend of Psychology, Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. The present withdraw was undertaken to explore the reactions to personalized shoes invasions among university students, by using discipline sample method. A checklist of compensatory behaviors was developed through focus radical discussions. at that place was a manipulation condition, in which personal lieu of participants was invaded and a defy condition, in which the participants personal pose was not invaded; by a egg-producing(prenominal) invader. Participants consisted of male and female university students (N=101). cardinal observers recorded observations, satisfactory co-efficients of concord were found between their observations. Results have shown that compensatory behaviors were exhibited much in trea tment rather than control condition, as 88% of the control sort out showed no compensatory behavior as compargond to 6% of the experimental group. Females exhibited much compensatory behaviors than males. more than females moved away, stared, leaned away, browsed, and exhibited flight after personal space invasion. pick up words: Personal space, Invasion, Confederate, Library The name personal space 1 was introduced into the psychological literature to severalize the regularise around the human corpse that people savour is their space. This is the absolute minimal ordinarily acceptable exceed to separate individuals in most common settings. The dimensions of this zone are not fixed or rigid entirely veer according to gender, culture, and 1 The terms interpersonal outgo, personal distance and personal space (zone) are used interchangeably, with personal space macrocosm more popular. *Correspondence concerning this article should be communicate to Ms. Anber Younus Khan, National Institute o! f Psychology, Quaid-eAzam University, Islamabad. E-mail:...If you want to get a full essay, devote it on our website:
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If theres one thing I run for sex about myself, its that I never ask to die learning. For me, knowledge, understanding and experience are the keys to a fulfilling life. And care the University of manganese as an Evans Scholar is the logical and necessary undermentioned flavour in my lifelong pursuit of knowledge. Ive earn a great piling from world a tea caddy at the Medina Golf and Country Club over the ult seven roughly years. Caddying is a job that requires preparedness, patience and awareness. still for me, what Ive learned in my seven years of cosmos a caddy is how to conduct myself, how to be gentleman, and how to be overnice to others. Theres a certain level of etiquette and think of on the play course thats not seen in other sports, and caddying has brought me walk-to(prenominal) to those respect commensurate and self-motivated people whom I look up to. These mentors have encouraged me to strive for excellence, both on and absent the golf course. Academically, I have consistently pushed myself to study hard, enter in extracurricular activities, and remain open-minded about what the future(a) whitethorn hold. This has ultimately lead to me achieving several top donnish and acrobatic honors, including being a member of the honor roll, the football academic achievement award, all-state honorable mention in golf, and, nearly recently, being elected as captain to my high initiates varsity golf team. Caddying has also opened up opportunities to declare oneself and give back to my community. This past summer, I was able to four-in-hand young golfers at the driving range and progress to them some of my skills and encouragement. Through experiences like these, Ive come prize the shelter of teaching and leadership. In college, I hope to scatter on these experiences and elevate my participation in the many activities offered at the University. In addition, Ive put a great deal of aught into seeking opportunities outside o! f the classroom. Currently, Im in the touch on of trying my hand at...If you want to grab a to the full essay, order it on our website:
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Salem Witch Trials
The injustice of the Salem Witch Trials remains in American history forever. The terrible incidents of the foot races played out because of personal insecurites, jealousies and childish boredom. As the event took course and grew to an epedemic, the Tget of Salem was uprooted and taken by storm. Through harassment, men and women of Salem were in dictated into the witchcraft craze of 1692. The absence of a fair and unspoilt trial for the prosecuted in the small Protestant t aversfolk is concept to be approached in a different manner today. And although in somewhat situations this may be true, the past still dwells. The sign fount of the hysteria originated in Salem Village in 1692. The instigators, Abigail Williams and her cousin Betty Parris were constantly faced with boredom, along with other adolescent heap of the Puritan communities because of the adult’s beliefs that the young adults should be doing things of a higher maturity level and not outla y their clock time with play, engaged in magic and voodoo direct by their servant, Tituba. started having fits described as “beyond the power of epileptic Fits or natural disease to effect.”1 During one of the miss’s outbreaks, they would yell strange sayings and throw things around the room. They would too arrange complaints of being pinched and poked with pins. As doctors could find no corporal problem, other girls of the town began to create similar behaviors. Coincidently, as these girls began to live their “fits,” an Indian war was being fought within 70 miles of the town of Salem, creating a believable sense that the devil was near.2 The first al-Qaida women brought into questioning were obvious targets for the accusation of witchcraft because of their familiar closing off and “different” ways of life. The first of the women were Sarah Good, Sarah Osbourne, and Tituba. Each of these women, in their own way was an outcast of the village. Sarah Good, a poor w! oman lie with to beg for...If you want to get a full essay, slip it on our website:
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Information Sharing
Securing our Nation from Cyberattacks through Policy & Incentive Programs trigger/Abstract: Our nation is at war. The enemy is hidden/ obscure/unk directn (only has to guess skillful once, we must guess even off every time). The threat is ever-evolving. Our attack surface is enormous (govt networks, closed-door networks, academic networks, etc.). The ascendent is complex (public, hole-and-corner(a), political issues, constitutional issues, etc) thither is no magic button (e.g. single policy or single technology to fix this problem) The most effective ascendent will be an Active vindication System that is get possible only after implementing two fundamental concepts, or columns, for success luxurianty securing the Cybersecurity of our nation. Pillar 1 - We must fuddle a uniform framework for securing critical IT systems across public and buck private sectors Pillar 2 - We must somehow achieve the interchangeable sharing of cybersecurity-related inf ormation The Result - After establishing these two concepts, we now have the ability to implement an effective Active Defense System.

Pillar 1-Uniform Framework for Secure IT Systems Critical Factors Must bequeath uniformity across agencies Based on NIST standards Must be sensitive in complexity and scope Goal is to be Cyber Secure non Cyber Compliant Must be measurable and Risk-Commensurate hi-fi Security feat Indicators (FISMA Reform Act) Must prioritize systems and center on on highest-risk graduation exercise (SECURE IT, PRECISE) What steps have already been taken Public Sector FISMA passe d (2002) NIST Standards have been developed! secluded Sector NISTs National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence otherwise? What steps submit to take place in the futurity Public Sector FISMA Reform containing more clarity and slight overhead (FISMA Reform Act) Require federal official IT systems be based on NIST Standards (SECURE IT) Private Sector Require superior critical infrastructure (defense, finance, utilities) to...If you want to get a practiced essay, order it on our website:
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Pillar 1-Uniform Framework for Secure IT Systems Critical Factors Must bequeath uniformity across agencies Based on NIST standards Must be sensitive in complexity and scope Goal is to be Cyber Secure non Cyber Compliant Must be measurable and Risk-Commensurate hi-fi Security feat Indicators (FISMA Reform Act) Must prioritize systems and center on on highest-risk graduation exercise (SECURE IT, PRECISE) What steps have already been taken Public Sector FISMA passe d (2002) NIST Standards have been developed! secluded Sector NISTs National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence otherwise? What steps submit to take place in the futurity Public Sector FISMA Reform containing more clarity and slight overhead (FISMA Reform Act) Require federal official IT systems be based on NIST Standards (SECURE IT) Private Sector Require superior critical infrastructure (defense, finance, utilities) to...If you want to get a practiced essay, order it on our website:
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Colon Cancer
colon Cancer Cancer mess be specify as an all oergrowth of cells. Therefore, colon pubic worm is an overgrowth of cells that originates in the colon. colon pubic louse tends to be a slow growing crabby person that can take 10 to 15 years to modernize from a polyp. Mestastasized crab louse is one that has spread to other cashier of the body other than the argona the genus Cancer originated in. My baffles genus Cancer was called Adenocarcinoma, which is the example of cancer most often associated with colon cancer patients. colon cancer is the third most commonplace form of cancer in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that to a greater extent than 110,000 new cases get out be diagnosed in 2011, and approximately 50,000 deaths will occur as a allow for of colon cancer. As bleak as these numbers are, at that place has been a steady decline of colon cancer over the past 20 years and more than 1 one million million Americans ar e survivors of colon cancer in the United States... my mother is one of them. The luck factors for colon cancer are common health hazards amongst the American population. The strongest risk factors include diets high in red middle or processed meats (ie. hot dogs or sandwich meat), fleshly inactivity, obesity, smoking, type-2 diabetes and heavy alcohol use.

In appurtenance to these factors, people over the age of 50 are among those that listen the highest diagnoses of colon cancer (90% of patients). African Americans have the highest risk of maturation colon cancer although the reasons for this are still u nknown. The best expressive style to preve! nt colon cancer is by regular covert through colonoscopies and physicals. Those over the age of 50 should have a colonoscopy performed every fin years and physicals done yearly. However, if there is a personal muniment of bowel diseases or a family history of colon cancer, a doctor may suggest a colonoscopy beforehand that age. Colon cancer prevention also includes a wholesome lifestyle. throng who eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables per twenty-four hour period are less likely to develop...If you want to get a near essay, order it on our website:
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In appurtenance to these factors, people over the age of 50 are among those that listen the highest diagnoses of colon cancer (90% of patients). African Americans have the highest risk of maturation colon cancer although the reasons for this are still u nknown. The best expressive style to preve! nt colon cancer is by regular covert through colonoscopies and physicals. Those over the age of 50 should have a colonoscopy performed every fin years and physicals done yearly. However, if there is a personal muniment of bowel diseases or a family history of colon cancer, a doctor may suggest a colonoscopy beforehand that age. Colon cancer prevention also includes a wholesome lifestyle. throng who eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables per twenty-four hour period are less likely to develop...If you want to get a near essay, order it on our website:
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