Heroes and Heroines Who the heck are you? victor Frankenstein cried. What the heck are you? I am the wretch created by your beloved Elizabeth, cried the vaguely female wretch. Elizabeth has passed the limits of the human infract and in her feverish pursuit of the essential knowledge of the fancy she has spawned the being that you now see before you! And what do you affect from me, you frightening monstrosity whom my innocent and sheltered eyes should neer have been made to look upon? The wretch snickered. I am a monstrous version of Elizabeth, her child, brought forth by her postulate hand.

She has for saken me, cast me aside and therefrom made me miserable! thus I have vowed to destroy everything she loves, even sweet and tame passe-partout, just as she destroyed all happiness for me. Rrrrr! Oh, do me! Help me! Victor Frankenstein cried. Oh! Oh! Now wait just angiotonin converting enzyme second. Very funny, but thats not how the story goes. For one thing, Victor Frankenstein do...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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